Flag football on Thanksgiving morning

Silly moments

Christmas light tour... (funny story behind these pictures)!


Boys cooking spaghetti

Brad, Lisa, Joe, Emily and Sam Acker came out for a visit and to spend Thanksgiving with us. We had a great time together as we always do! Playing and watching football followed by feasting on Thanksgiving! No pictures however because the camera was broken!
Friday, 5am, Derek, Lisa and Brad ran out to find some deals! I got a new camera! YEA!! We also went and saw the Christmas Carol, which was great! Good family tradition!
Saturday we all drove to Bel Plaine and participated in a 5k run with a food drive to fill the food pantry back up after the holidays! It was on this chiropractors property, very rugged terrain! It was a really fun run though, especially to run with extended family! Joe came in first place with 27 min, Jaxson behind him with 28 min. and then the rest of us followed along after them! Sam and Grace wrapped up the end and finished strong! So proud of EVERYONE! Hopefully we can make this a tradition too and keep on running!
We finished the weekend up with dinner at Jose Peppers and playing Joe's new board game! Can't wait to play again at Christmas!
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