What a great ward Christmas party! It started off with The Polar Express. We have a man in our ward that is a model train collector and had 3 trains with a city set up in the middle! It was a lot of fun, Brock would chase the trains around! We tried to get a good picture..but I'm still trying to figure out my camera so all you really see is a big swoosh!

Behind the train she took the primary kids silhouettes and lined them up on the wall like they were riding in a train! So cute! My boys weren't there on picture day, but we did get the girls! Very easy to tell who is who! LOVE the noses!!

Santa was also sitting over in a corner for pictures and lap sitting, however, he spent most of his time trying to keep the boys from stealing his candy canes(never would that involve my son and his two cute friends..ha!)

Then we had a great traditional Christmas dinner, served by the youth and followed by singing Christmas carols and a nativity play, put on by the primary children to the song, The Nativity Song, rearranged by a composer in our ward. Our neighbors, the Rogers, joined us and it was a great night!
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On the drive home, the Rogers told us about a house just behind the church with crazy lights on it, so we drove by and I have NEVER seen anything like it before! They even had their own radio station you could tune into and listen to Christmas music. The kids loved it!

It made me think of a Christmas picture I saw this year! Ha Ha!!