Saturday, September 5, 2009

Weekend at the Farm

We met some friends on Jaxson's football team, his friend is Reagan and his parents are Marietta and Dave. They invited us up to their farm about an hour out of town! It was beautiful up there, very peaceful and quiet. They have horses, lakes and trails and a little home built in 1904. We fished and swam and fed the horses and roasted hot dogs! They were a very nice family. In March of this year, they came up to the farm for the first time this year and there was a ladder up against a tree. Harrison, their 2 year old was playing on it and lost his footing and fell down and bumped his head on the ladder. The doctors were not able to find anything that caused them concern and thought he would be ok, but he past away the next day. They are a really amazing family and have a lot of faith and know he is with God. They said Brock reminds them a lot of Harrison! I'm glad we are getting to know them more, it was a fun day! I DEFINATELY held my kids a little longer that night!

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