Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nauvoo, Illinois

Every 6th year our stake has girl's camp in Nauvoo, Illinois, so each girl will be able to have this wonderful opportunity to learn about the saints in Nauvoo. I'm so fortunate to be able to go with them as only 14 leaders in the stake attended. 9 or my 10 active girls attended and it was a life changing, testimony building experince for them which strengthened my testimony too.
Each night we went to a fun show that the missionaries, mostly elder couples and some pre-mission age kids from BYU put on. The shows were a lot of fun, yet taught more about the Nauvoo history. During the days we were divided into groups and took all the tours in the city through the homes that have been built and redesigned to look like how they were back in the 1840's. We saw homes that belong to Joseph Smith, and Brigham Young, the stores, print shops, bakery etc. The missionaries tell us the pioneer stories, while sharing their testimonies with us, there is an amazing spirit in there that teaches us about their history and gave us a greater appreciation of all that the saints went through to bring the church here. We also went to Carthage Jail where the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were killed by the mobs. We did baptisms in the temple, took a horse drawn wagon ride and ended by walking the walk of hope. Words can't express how great the entire experience is and I can't wait to bring my family back here one day and have them feel of the amazing spirit of Nauvoo!
Derek is wonderful to stay home with the kids for the week and they were so excited to spend this time with him! As great as the week was, I am glad to be back home with my family again!

1 comment:

jan said...

You have so much fun