Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

We are so greatful for Derek in our lives. There is no dad that has more love for his kids than Derek does for ours! I'm so lucky to have him to help me raise these 4 precious spirits! He spends so much time playing with them, teaching them, reading to them and just loving them! I could learn so much about patience watching him. Not only is he wonderful to our own kids, but he is a great father in the community, neighborhood, church and to extended family. All children...and adults love him! He was a wonderful father figure to our Sophie and talks about how much he misses her all the time. He is a great father figure to other YW in our ward who have spent time with our family too! I am incredibly grateful for the priesthood he holds. It is comforting, in the evil world we live in, to know that my husband has been given a worthiness standard by the Lord that reminds him of his role as a son of God and a righteous father. I am proud of him for living up to those standards and in doing so, being worthy to bless our lives with the priesthood. Countless blessing, prayers and guidance our family has been blessed with through the priesthood keys he holds! He is a wonderful example to them with all the service he does in taking care of friends and his church calling. He reaches out to many less actives and has a unique ability to help them see how wonderful their lives can be living the gospel. He has been a great provider for our family and works hard, but never lets work get in the way of spending time with his family!
We both are thankful for the wonderful examples our own fathers set and the strengths they have passed on to us! What a wonderful day to think of the great men in our lives and we have been blessed with many!

1 comment:

stacie said...

Brocky is getting so big! Love all that blonde hair