Thursday, November 6, 2008

Political Talk

There has been a lot of political talk around our house this year. Since the announcement of our new President Barak Obama, these are some of the comments that have been said that have made us giggle at our cute kids!

Grace's dinner prayer:"...please bless John McCain that he won't be too sad since nobody picked on him...but us. Please bless Barak Obama that he will be happy he was picked on, but not too happy..."

Then as Isabella and I were snuggling in bed after the older ones went off too school, sometimes, I try and watch a little news, but she usually ends up talking me into watching Clifford. So, this morning, I was telling her how next year I would miss our snuggle time since she would leave early with the big kids and she said, "I will run home and jump in bed with you after school and even let you turn on the news to watch all about Barak Obama."

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