Monday, June 15, 2009


It's not every day that there is a person kind enough to take the time to compliment you, especially on a subject that you know you are doing your best, but seem to fall short of your expectations every day! Yesterday we had a going away party for some friends at the park and spent a lot of time doing adult talk as the kids did their thing. One of the mother's was responsible enough to stay and play with her child, many times when were looking for our littlest ones, we would find them playing with this mom and her son. I should have been writing her a note thanking her...something I need to work on. Well, today I recieved an email from her that says:

Just wanted to say "thanks" for having great kids! During the playground festivities yesterday your kids were great to chase my son down and bring him back when he ran off, and show him how the slides and swings worked. So whatever it is you are doing as parents is working.
Thanks again.

I'll leave her signature off so as not to embarrass her, but what a thoughtful and kind person! She completely made my day! I hope I can look for ways to show gratitude for others like she did for me!

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