Monday, April 6, 2009

Jaxson's Spring Project!

Jaxson picked the horned toad lizard this year for his second grade lift spring project. He had to do a one page report on the lizard and give that orally by memory and a visual to go along with it. I wanted him to decorate the roomba up...I thought that would be funny, but he opted to do a clay scultpure instead. We bought a 10 pound brick of clay and after some good advice to use thread to cut it, I walked away and nervously told him to go at it! He definately has the creative side that I lack and so a half an hour later, this is what it turned into! I was so surprised and pleased with his work!! Absolutely amazing!!! He is only 8 years old..very impressive if I do say so myself. He usually always does well on his projects, but struggles with the oral reports because his voice is so soft when public speaking. He had it memorized and practiced several times and he just got his grade back. He scored 4/4 on the oral(woo hoo!!), 3 1/2/4 on the written and 4/4 on the visual!! 11 1/2/12 total! Yea Jaxson!!

1 comment:

4 barkers said...

wow he's good! I would of never even made mine look half as good!